Sunday Salon: The End of 2015
Monday: Hawthorne's favorite board books (these make up a lot of my reading time--over and over and over again!)
Tuesday: My favorite comics
Wednesday: My favorite mysteries
Thursday: My favorite nonfiction
Friday: My favorite fiction
Saturday: My 2015 reading wrap-up
On the reading front, I'm deep in 2016 releases, some of which would be making my Best of 2015 if I were able to post reviews for them before their publication dates. As I continue to read farther ahead, my Best of 2015 will represent the best of what I've reviewed in 2015.
I set a goal to read 130 books in 2015. As of this morning, I've read 126, so I hope I'll have enough time reading this week to meet the goal. Hawthorne got a play kitchen for Christmas, and it is new and exciting enough to steal more time reading while he plays with it:
I'm deep into 2016 releases, and today I'm spending time with Mr. Splitfoot by Samantha Hunt. There are so many intriguing new releases in January alone, I know I won't be able to read them all, but it's such fun to read with low expectations and the excitement of not knowing what anyone else thinks about these new books.
Next Sunday, I'll bring you my reading goals for 2016, including some new ideas I have for how I write about books here.
Wishing you a very happy end to 2015!
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My reading total was so low this year and I don't even care. My best of list will be interesting because I didn't have that much to choose from.