event recap: Suzanne Collins at Oblong Books

Thursday night, Mr. Nomadreader and I took a little road trip down to Millerton, New York to see Suzanne Collins at Oblong Books . We drove down a little early and had a wonderful lunch at Harney and Sons , a gourmet tea shop. We got to Oblong a little over an hour before the signing, and we were rewarded with a number oh so very close to the front of the line . We all sat on the floor to listen to Suzanne read, and I was thrilled she first read from Catching Fire , which I adored. Next she read the opening pages of Mockingjay , and I was amazed how many in the audience hadn't read it yet (I mean, it had been out for two days already--kidding!) After the reading, the line started moving quite quickly. We had our book stamped and were back outside to enjoy a beautiful day before 5:30 p.m. We stayed in Millerton for a phenomenal dinner at Manna Dew and toasted the last night of my 20's. All in all, it was a wonderful night, even though (I confess) I didn't like Mo...