BBAW: On Blogging

Today marks the end of Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2011. I've discovered quite a few new blogs, which is always fun! It's also a joy to feel such a part of this wonderful community. Today, the writing topic is about blogging. I rarely get meta about blogging here, but I'll use this opportunity to share a few things that help me enjoy book blogging rather than feel overwhelmed by it.

1. Schedule posts
Want to know something? I'm not writing this post right now. Right now, I'm in the car traveling to Ohio for the wedding of one of my best friends. I wrote this post last Sunday and stopped in yesterday only to add some timeliness to my introduction. Pretty neat, huh? 

My blogging habits have changed a lot over the years, but with my current schedule, I like to carve out a few hours on Saturday morning or Sunday evening when Mr. Nomadreader is at work and write my blog posts for the week. During the week, I like to come home from work, cook dinner with Mr. Nomadreader, read a little bit, spend a little time reading blogs and watch some television. I try to limit my computer time at night because I'm on it all day at work. My brain is tired at the end of the day, and I usually don't want to write. There are times I make an effort to blog during the week, but I try not to do it more than one day in a row. Sometimes I can't wait to share a book review with you and rearrange my pre-scheduled posts to accommodate it. 

2. Don't force it
Sometimes when I follow my sage advice to sit down and write posts for a week, I just can't write anything I'm proud of. It's okay to walk away from the computer. Come back in a few hours or days and try again. I've tried to write my review of The Leftovers three times now, and I think I finally got it right (it will be appearing here next week! Sneak peek: I love it.) 

3. Find your niche and your balance
This blog has changed a lot over the years. I like where it is now. I feel comfortable with my blogging self, and part of that is not being afraid to change. I used to read much more eclectically. Now, I mostly stick to my favorites: literary fiction (especially the awards I like best) and mysteries. Those favorites may change again one day, and my blog will continue to evolve. Thanks for sharing this adventure and journey with me!

Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week 2011!

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  1. I liked what you shared on your blogging habits. It is so true about not "forcing" yourself and just do what's comfortable. I feel like I have a pretty regular rhythm now as well, bu posting about 5x a week.

  2. I so agree with #3. Sometimes you need a change.

  3. Sage advice! Since I started scheduling blog posts ahead of time, I feel far less stressed out. I like to keep a Monday through Friday blogging schedule with something new up (almost) every day, but it's definitely not possible for me to blog before work every morning. So that's the next best thing!

  4. Some weekend mornings I am really good at carving out time to schedule posts for the week and other weekends it just doesn't happen. When it does, it feels really good not to have to worry about getting posts up during the hustle and bustle of the busy work week. I have seen this tip on multiple blogs. Now I am inspired to renew my efforts and scheduling ahead.


  5. I love scheduling posts. Of course, sometimes I end up getting behind and posting on the fly, but it's the best feeling to know you've got the post part of blogging covered! I spent most of August in India but still felt like I was involved because I had posts going up twice a week. So cool. (Hope the wedding is fun! Ohio is where I grew up.)

  6. I especially like your first piece of advice about scheduling posts - I do that all the time and it is a life saver. There were so many posts for this week, that had I waited to write them daily they would not have been done. Instead, I pre-write almost every post that goes up on my blog...and then I schedule it.

  7. Scheduling posts is probably something I should consider....

    Thanks for the tips.

    It's also great that we can evolve in our blog as well as in our reading.

    BTW...I loved The Leftovers, too.

    Here's MY BBAW POST and

  8. Great advice -- scheduling posts has saved me from being crazy -- unless I didn't work, I don't know how I'd do 'day of' posts.

  9. Scheduling posts is my friend! It is great to post when you feel like posting instead of forcing yourself later.

  10. Great advice. Scheduling posts is the only reason I can blog- get it done ahead of time, when you have time, and plan!

  11. Scheduling posts is one of the bloggy nuances I have not mastered yet. I tend to blog on the fly, and while I'm comfy with that, I'm getting into more of a "come home and do nothing but hang out with Greyson" habit, which is also fine. :)

  12. Such great advice! I *love* the scheduled post feature. I don't know if I would still be blogging without it. I also agree that finding a niche is important too. It is what allows you to develop and grow as a blogger once you are comfortable with where you are in the blogging world.


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