book review: Earthly Pleasures by Karen Neches

Just as I was enjoying the idea of a future WishBerry, which instantly delivers anything you desire, a new chapter from another point of view would begin. I soon realized this story was going someplace deeper. Indeed, it explores the connections between heaven and earth, and the living and the dead. I didn't find it to have a religious bent, and I'm still not quite sure how seriously I should take the novel, but I did thoroughly enjoy it. It was part escapist, but it was also thought provoking. Neches danced around a lot of issues, and I think plenty of readers could enjoy it and not dwell on it. I, however, keep thinking about it. The book itself has several humorous moments and is not necessarily weighty, but it certainly deals with weighty issues, albeit sometimes in a lighthearted manner. At the end of the book, I'm still a little unsure what the author's intentions were. I was certainly entertained, and there was a strong sense of seriousness as well. I'm curious how much of my reaction to the book was intended and how much is just me. The book is certainly smart and witty, and I loved it. If you're in the mood for a captivating, unique, partially science fiction read, then this book is for you. Karen Neches has a Web site, mostly devoted to Earthly Pleasures too.
Rating: 4.25 stars (out of 5)
Pages: 311
Publication: 2008
Source: my local public library
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Your review came up on my Google Alerts. I had so much fun writing that book.
ReplyDeleteKarin Gillespie
(Karen Neches is my pen name.)
Sounds like a fascinating read!