waiting on wednesday: Carolyn Bucior

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine to highlight an upcoming release you're excited for.

My pick is so new it doesn't yet have a title. In Sunday's New York Times, there was a fantastic guest editorial by Carolyn Bucior about substitute teaching. It's both micro (bad lesson plans) and macro (the training, support and qualifications of substitutes). It's funny, smart and compelling. Ms. Bucior supplies anecdotes from her experience as a substitute that are both hilarious and harrowing (and sometimes both). More importantly, she proposes relatively simple changes to make the system more effective. To my delight, her byline mentioned she was writing a memoir about substitute teaching, and when it comes out, I cannot wait to read it. For now, read her editorial; it's amusing and inspiring, a winning combination for editorials and memoirs alike.


  1. I bet that memoir would be eye opening and entertaining both!


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