fall movie preview: september (part one)

I had so much fun doing a literary take on Entertainment Weekly's summer movie preview, I'm tackling the task again for the fall movie preview. I only saw one movie in the theater this summer, Julie & Julia, and the impetus was more about spending a hot afternoon in air conditioning than my own urgency to see it. I love movies, but at almost $10 each, I usually wait for dvd . Because I rarely make it to the theater, I love to stay current by at least reading the books being made into movies before the movies come out. If you're like me, read on, and you too will be able to answer "not yet, but I read the book" when the inevitable question arises, "have you seen [this movie] yet"? Sidenote : I'm sure someone is keeping track of the number of covers devoted to Twilight , both books and movies, but it seems to be passing excessive and reaching ridiculous. September: Jennifer's Body - the new film written by Diablo Cody. It's not based on ...