2020 Reading Resolutions & Goals

Last year I made ridiculously lofty goals and resolutions. And I failed. But who cares? I read more than I did the year before. Sometimes setting hard goals you may or may not meet is still a good thing. For this year, however, I want to keep it simpler. Here are my reading goals and resolutions for 2020: 1. Read 104 books. 104 isn't a magic number. That's two books a week, which should be doable. It's a realistic goal that shouldn't challenge me, but it's also a goal I haven't hit for a few years. 2. Complete the Around the Year in 52 Books challenge (and try to stay in order.) Of all the reading challenges I attempted last year, Around the Year was the only one I stuck with until the end. I also love that we suggest and vote on prompts, so I had a hand in helping pick many of them. For me, it's the right amount of challenge. A lot of books I would normally read satisfy its parameters, but it also pushes me somewhat. And the social community on L...