A People's Read-a-long: Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of A People's Read-a-long ! We're reading a chapter a week, and the pace is perfect. (Missed the first two weeks? Check out my posts for weeks one and two .) I'm still thoroughly enjoying this read-a-long. This week I even took Jill's advice and snagged a copy of Voices of a People's History of the United States , which is collection of primary source documents organized around the chapters of A People's History of the United States. I'm not reading all of them, but I'm dipping into the ones that most interest me. It's adding another fascinating layer to this book. My thoughts: Chapter 3, entitled "Persons of Mean and Vile Condition," deals with the class system in the colonies. More specifically, Zinn addresses how class was impacted by the existing class system of Britain and how it shifted to include Indians, slaves, (white) servants, and former servants. I'm deeply concerned at what I see as our current cla...