Sunday Salon: Live from ALA!

Hello from beautiful, sunny Chicago! Remember last week when I told you I would have all sorts of reviews for you and then none of them materialized? Sorry about that. This week got away from me quickly, and I have learned my lesson: don't promise reviews until they've actually been written and scheduled. That being said, look for some of those this week! What I'm reading: Now and Next I put down Life After Life because I didn't think my mind was in the right frame of mind to be reading it, and I have a string of review commitments coming up. I'll pick it up again later this summer. I switched courses dramatically to the newest Dan Brown novel, Inferno . It's as you would expect, but it's perfect for the short bursts of reading I get on vacation. I'm also enjoying a new audio book, Orange is the New Black, by Piper Kerman. The tv series begins July 11 on Netflix, and I've been meaning to read it for years, so now seemed like the perfect time. O...