The Backlist Book Club: Affinity discussion

It's the last day of the month, which means it's time to discuss The Backlist Book Club July read. I did manage to finish Affinity in time, but I'm still processing and articulating my thoughts about it. I'll post a review next week, but in the mean time, there is much to discuss! If you haven't read Affinity yet, be warned: spoilers abound! Feel free to join in conversations and strings that interest you--and please pose more questions in the comments too. If you'd like to follow the discussion today (and perhaps for a few days), please consider subscribing to future comments so you don't miss any. Tune in tomorrow to see what you voted on for our August pick! 1. Which character was your favorite? 2. What surprised you most in this novel? 3. What disappointed you in this novel? 4. To whom would you recommend this novel? 5. Let's talk about the twist . Did you see it coming? Did you like it? Did it change your thoughts on the book? ...